I have been out of the loop here a bit.  There's been a lot on all of our plates: Keith has had a frantic month with trying to complete everything for his class and get those "ladies" in their house!  The chicken coop is coming along well (just needs a roof) and the chickens seem to be quite happy in there.  They are so peaceful to watch all day as they busily peck through the yard, and every evening at dusk, they faithfully troop up the ramp and roost up high, ready for to be locked up for the night (you know those ladies...lights out by 9, doors locked or the coyotes will call!).  Though it took us a few nights to realize they would go in by themselves...watching us (3 kids and Keith and I) round them up to grab them and put them in the coop was pretty comical!  They seem to have grown quite a bit eating all those bugs out there!

I've been preparing for and just finished performing a fairly intensive monologue from Willow Creek Church called "This New Day".  It was great fun to perform Sunday and at the same time a great relief to be done because of the requirements of the script.  It really is a blessing to get to be a "drama mama", especially when it's at our church and can be a ministry as well.

The kids are thriving...missing Keith a little bit these days as most of his free time has been pretty well consumed with sermon writing.  But, they are patient with the situation; it seems they understand that this is just a difficult month.  Wolf is walking all over the place now and prays at dinner.  He stays with it the whole time!  He'll peek to see if he's still supposed to have his head down and then he'll pop it back down for a bit and check again in a few seconds.  Very cute!  Cordelia's famous line lately is delivered after she she balances herself in some precarious position, "Dis dangerous, Mommy?  Dis dangerous?"  Yes, Delia, very dangerous! (Usually not:).  Berkley is beginning to learn lots of letter sounds and learning to write his letters and numbers, and Delaney is thriving in all her subjects, but most especially reading which she really seems to love.  We all finished listening to the Chronicles of Narnia on c.d. done by Focus on the Family.  They were excellent!  If you have or have not read the books, these are great all around!  If you have never had any introduction to Lewis' Narnia, it's about time you started reading.  They are incredible.

Okay, here's some pictures...that's what you're all here for anyway, right?!!

Pictures from Old Settler's Day...yes this was all the way back in June!  Hey, it's not August yet!  I'm only a month behind!  This is one of the kids favorite traditions of summer...capped off by the State Fair in August.  Yes, it does appear Berkley is sticking a glow stick up his nose....  Delia is with her best buddy, Anna and Delaney is with her best buddy, Mackenzie.

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