Do you take the time to ensure all that you do reflects the face of Christ? We all know that we should, but how many times does it actually happen?  I know for me, there are peaks and valleys..  You see it’s real easy to reflect the face of Christ when we are working on “Christian” things (i.e. helping out at a shelter, cleaning up a church, attending church, etc), but what about those other times?  How can you and I ensure that when we start, are working on and when we complete a task/job/project, that the face of Christ will be reflected for all to see? 

I feel that the video below is a great representation of how you and I can have that assurance,  no matter the size of or the stringent timelines for our task/job/project, if we build it upon What and Who Christ is, His face will always shine through.

Take a look and reflect!


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