The kids and I had such a nice time this morning (and afternoon!)...we headed down to the creek and actually got an early enough start and didn't have anything else that we had to do, that we were able to go down there without feeling like we had to rush back after only a half hour or so.  On the way, we discovered ripe blackberries and picked about a pint which we brought back later and ate with vanilla ice cream for dessert after lunch.  We played at the creek for about two hours: Wolf was covered in mud very quickly and throwing rocks contentedly just about the whole time; Delia fell right away and recovered after awhile; Delaney and Berkley hiked up into the dense wooded area that is the hill right up from the creek (they were pretending they were explorers like the kids in the book we're reading: Swallows and Amazons).  It was so peaceful and lovely and perfect.  Nobody was fighting (okay a little screaming when Delia fell but that subsided pretty quickly!) and there was no rush.  It really was how life with kids should be.  I'm working on getting there more often.
Farm Mama

7/31/2008 01:11:07 pm

love the pictures and updates! funny fish pictures! and love seeing your dad wearing wolf! we have friends in vt who have chickens and i asked them how they get their birds in the coop- they said they just go up by themselves. funny!

7/31/2008 11:26:31 pm

What a wonderful day. Next time bring your camera...uho pressure LOL

The blackberries sound good. I can taste them now. And to think I thought they were raspberries.

Now have the children write about the day. I'd love to see their thoughts about it and possibly some drawings.



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